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We Are...

More than just a magazine!


     All of us teens met because of our parents’ respective decisions to homeschool their kids with a Torah based curriculum with Mrs. Elliot at (Great idea Mom and Dad!).


     Over  time each of us girls began friendships and time passed. Then, in the winter of 2018, we began to talk about the idea of a magazine. It would be one that would inspire and connect other Torah Observant families, just like how we had been inspired and were connected through the forum. The idea quickly took wings and flew, each of us having something to contribute - testimonies, photographs, a prize for the contest - and we were excited to be able to use our talents for the good of others. We dreamed of a unified effort to publish a family oriented magazine, and pretty soon it became more than just a dream. It was all coming together, and in this way, we found ourselves in February, 2019 and our first issue was emailed out!


     Our prayer is that YHWH will use this magazine to encourage your family in your Torah Observant walk, and provide an avenue for connection to other like-minded families. We have each experienced the ups and downs that come with such an Unconventional way of life, which is often rather lonely and undefined.


     What does a Biblical Sabbath look like? Can we still eat at restaurants that aren’t kosher? And we know how hard it is to break free from long held traditions and friendships! Being Torah Observant isn’t easy, but it isn’t removing blessings either. Take courage! There are families just like yours all across the world! We are alternatively struggling and prospering just as you are. But we don’t have to walk alone.


     We have worked hard to bring you Unconventional Magazine, and we would love to have your family to join us as well. So if you would like to contribute in any way the Father leads you - an article, encouraging verses for us to use, a donation - we would appreciate it. We are excited to see what other families Yah is directing to this ministry. We know He has great plans a foot. May He grant us the joy of your friendship too! Blessings from your not-so-distant neighbors in Messiah, 


The Unconventional Team.

© 2020 Created by the Unconventional development team. Proudly created with

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