We know that this latest issue has taken a while longer than we expected it to take, but there are a lot of new things in this one that we are excited to share with you guys!
We have a new member who has been a really big help (I will let her introduce herself in the magazine its self. Check out pages 16-17 for that. ;D).
We also have a really great story that was sent in by a reader about her time in Israel! If you have a story, poem, picture or anything else you would like to share we would love to help you do that!
There are also some Purim and Passover recipes we have included. We realize that it is a little late for those, but you can still enjoy them even if those feast days are over for this year.
Okay, I will stop spoiling the magazine now. Go look at it for your self! Please copy this link into your browser to see this amazing issue! https://www.dropbox.com/s/o94q1jvxlbgxupb/U.M.%20Issue%20%234%20%20last%20edition.pdf?dl=0
~ The Unconventional Team
Tom, Katya, Stella, Esther, Sarina, Lana, Lydia, Jess, Amanda Moriah and Rebekah.
(If you would like to contact us, here is our email...